Sculptural Massage as A Kind of Deep Tissue Massage

Sculptural Massage as A Kind of Deep Tissue Massage

Sculptural facial deep massage in Jumeirah is a procedure aimed at correcting age-related defects. Over time, the body loses the ability to produce a sufficient amount of elastin, which negatively affects the appearance. The changes are especially noticeable on the face. Sculptural plastic surgery makes it possible to improve the skin and tone up the facial musculature. Benefits from manipulation are noticeable after the first course of treatment.

How Does It Work?

Before sculptural manipulation, you need to cleanse the skin of cosmetics, impurities and exudations. After drying, a creamy product is applied. This can be a special mousse with a caring component or a water-based gel. Reception is carried out in the prone position on a medical table or chair. First, affect the light movements from the chin up.

After the warming stage, the muscles of the face are massaged. An experienced specialist has anatomical knowledge that allows them to achieve a profound therapeutic effect. It is very important to understand how the muscle fibers and nerve endings are located so as not to harm your health. Sculptural facial massage also includes lymphatic drainage movements in the neck, occiput, temples and local effects in the areas where the muscles are attached. The session is completed with light stroking touches. Excess of the cream is removed with a dry napkin.

Result of the Sculpture Massage

The effectiveness of this complex is very high. According to cosmetologists, in most cases, this therapy can replace the work of a plastic surgeon. The effects that can be achieved after 2-3 courses in 12 months are very impressive:

  • Noticeable correction of the facial oval.
  • Improvement of the color of the skin, the appearance of natural blush.
  • Gone black spots and enlarged pores.
  • Smoothing of deep wrinkles in problematic areas: corners of the lips, eyes, forehead, and bridge of the nose.
  • Normalization of muscle tone and tightening effect.
  • Elimination of edema.

Besides the aesthetic result, restoration of mimicry after an acute insufficiency of cerebral circulation is possible. In this case the sculptural massage of the face in Dubai and other cities is appointed after consultation with a physician-neurologist.

Result of the Sculpture Massage

How Often Can I Do?

The need for sculptural massage at the Russian massage center depends on the initial condition of the skin and muscles and increases with the age of the patient. Therapy should begin according to indications, but not before the age of 25-26. At this age it is enough to 1-2 complexes of 4-6 sessions.

At the age of 30-40 years, when hormonal fluctuations reach their highest level, the appearance may change considerably. During this period, many women’s facial oval deforms, fine wrinkles become deeper, edema appears. The minimum number of procedures becomes insufficient, so an increase to 3-4 cycles of massage therapy is required. After 40 years of age, the frequency of treatment is determined individually. Since the price of sculptural facial massage is quite high, the patient’s capabilities are also taken into account when determining the frequency of treatment.

It is important to note that the effectiveness of the sculptural massage is influenced by the use of cosmetics. Cosmetologists recommend the use of special modeling creams during the procedures and a supporting series of products between courses. The attending physician can help you choose the right cosmetic line. It is necessary to take into account your skin type, age, existing problems and their severity.


Over the last 5-7 years, massage therapy has become very popular among women over the age of 30. Doctors recommend the method as an alternative to plastic surgery. However, the method has limitations in its application. The procedure is not prescribed in a number of cases:

  • herpetic rashes on the face and lips;
  • skin diseases with pustular manifestations;
  • couperose;
  • inflammation of facial and trigeminal nerves;
  • sunburns;
  • protruding neoplasms;
  • open and healing wounds;
  • high blood pressure and intracranial pressure.

Before you sign up for a course of massage, you should have a consultation with your doctor. The specialist will examine you and recommend the number of sessions you need.


Contact Information:

Mirage Spa European Massage Dubai

P Floor, Crowne Plaza Dubai Jumeirah
Al Hudaiba, Dubai
United Arab Emirates

Mirage Spa European Massage Dubai
+971 50 551 7061

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