Why You Should Consider Buying Used Cranes

Buying Used Cranes in Dubai

Cranes make lifting of huge building blocks and large cargo easy. However, after winning a bid for let’s say a construction project, you might be stuck between buying new or used cranes. The cost of buying new heavy lifting equipment does not go easy on the company’s fortunes. Therefore, in most cases buying a new crane is not even an option. But most people shrug off the idea of looking for used cranes for sale in UAE. But does secondhand mean faulty? Definitely no. some of these machines have been used for years. Therefore, they are tried and trusted. Here are the benefits of buying a used crane.

They Are Cheaper

If you want to cut down on the cost of your investment, a secondhand crane is the best option. You can get the equipment at even half the price of a brand new machine. You can be lucky to get an almost new crane which has been used for less than one year. The investment in the used crane is advisable when you know you need the equipment only for a few projects. You can dispose of the machine almost at the same price.

Depreciation Cost

The moment you drive off from the garage of new equipment sellers, depreciation sets in. The cost is usually high in the initial period after purchasing any machine. Used cranes do not have high depreciation costs because the equipment is already used. The sellers also deduct the cost of depreciation when selling second-hand cranes. The value of the crane can reduce by up to 20% of the buying price within one year.

Easier to Use

Most new cranes come with advanced and at times complicated technology. If you go for used heavy weight lifters, you can buy a similar model to what you had. Therefore, you don’t have to train your operators again. Consequently, your company operations can continue immediately after purchase without interruption to your operations. That means that used cranes are also safer because the operators fully understand them.

 Buy Used Cranes in Dubai

Faster Delivery

For used cranes, the machine is in the seller’s inventory. You don’t have to wait for the assembly or shipping of the equipment. There are also numerous choices for second-hand machinery. Whether it is construction, warehouse or manufacturing plants, there is custom equipment for the tasks. When you want to buy used cranes, your business is not affected as you wait for the delivery of the equipment.


There is a notion that new machines are in good working conditions while secondhand cranes are faulty. However, used cranes go through inspection and testing to ensure they are in a good state. Apart from that, the machine has been in use and you are certain of the tasks that it can undertake. Some of the equipment is as durable as new ones. Therefore, avoid the notion that used cranes are faulty and visit our website to get one.

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